INKING DEALS: Sheryl Underhill



How many tattoos do you have?

One full sleeve plus 4 others

Tell Us About Your First Tattoo! How old were you and what was it? Do you still love it or regret it? 

I got my first tattoo at a house party when I was 18. For someone with so many tattoos, this is why I tell my kids to be sure that they really want whatever they get. I got a heart with a peace sign that in retrospect looks like a pretzel. I am actually in the process of covering it up. 

Tell Us About One of Your Favorite Tattoos. Think of one of your tattoos that has a special meaning to you, or maybe has a special story behind it.  

Almost all of my tattoos have meaning behind them, except for some of my floral work. I have a crucifix on my back that my grandma wore every day of her life. I have a tattoo for me and my grandfather in the mountains by a river because he loved to fly fish. I have a woman that is representative of the Proverbs 31 woman. I also have a tattoo of my soul dog, Cacao, that is extremely dear to me. Several of my flowers are for my kids and mom. My most recent tattoos are my wedding date in Roman numerals and sea turtles that I got with my 18-year-old daughter because they are her favorite.

Do You Have Any Funny Stories on How/Why You Got Any of Your Tattoos?

The tattoo of my dog, Cacao, and the one of my Proverbs 31 woman are both from a guy in Austin, which seems crazy to go that far. It was worth it though! 

Describe the Feeling of Getting a New Tattoo. 

When people say it is so addicting, it is absolutely true! I have sat through several very long sessions and although by the end you're over it, I am so ready to get back. I would say the sensation is like an annoying pricking, unless you are in a terrible area, like your elbow. 

What's a Myth You Want to BUST About Tattoos and Business?

I was told that I wouldn't be successful if I chose to have tattoos and/or piercings that were visible. My belief is my artwork may not make me a good fit for Nichols Hills, maybe, but there is an agent for everyone. If someone doesn't want to work with a great agent on account of my artwork, they aren't my people anyway.

How Many Total Hours Has an Artist Spent on Your Tattoos Combined?

Probably around 30 hours.

What is One Piece of Advice that Has Served You Well in This Industry?

Don't settle on your glass ceilings, you can make this business anything you want it to be. For me, this business is all about the relationships, and if you take good care of your people, they will always take care of you.


INKING DEALS: Sabrina Adams


Mary Hatch