INKING DEALS: Sabrina Adams



How Many Tattoos Do You Have?


Tell Us About Your First Tattoo! How old were you and what was it? Do you still love it or regret it? 

My first tattoo happened right after my 18th birthday. I got the Tree of Life on my lower back. While I don't regret the tattoo, I do regret the placement, which many today would refer to as the dreaded "tramp stamp".

Tell Us About One of Your Favorite Tattoos. Think of one of your tattoos that has a special meaning to you, or maybe has a special story behind it. 

My favorite tattoo is a vintage-style sailor Jerry pin up on my back. My father had the tattoo first; he received his in the old green ink during his time serving in the Marine Corp during the Korean War. He hated the tattoo later in life, but to me, it always represented my father, so upon his passing, I decided to get her tattooed so she could live on through me and be a constant reminder of my dad.

Describe the Feeling of Getting a New Tattoo. 

I like to think of my tattoos as documenting my life, so each time I get a new tattoo, it feels like I'm adding a new chapter to my book.

What's a Myth You Want to BUST About Tattoos and Business?

I've always felt that people look at those with tattoos as if we are "different", maybe a little rough around the edges and a part of a biker gang. I can personally attest that this is false. Tattoos are art. Many of us use tattoos as a way of self-expression and documenting special times in our lives.  

How Many Total Hours Has an Artist Spent on Your Tattoos Combined?

60 hours, give or take.

What is One Piece of Advice that Has Served You Well in This Industry?

Be yourself. I remember when I first started in real estate, I felt I needed to cover my tattoos and even dress like corporate America, but that's not the case. Today, I wear my tattoos proudly, and I've noticed more and more of my clients pay them compliments and sometimes even share in and show me their hidden tattoos. 




INKING DEALS: Sheryl Underhill