Robin Dennington | Special Edition




Prestige. Success. Branding. These are some of the reasons real estate agents are known for their cars. Whether it be a luxury car, sports car, classic car, or an SUV, top producing agents in the OKC love their cars, and the one thing they all have in common? They are FUN to drive!

2009 Nissan GTR

Tell us about you and your background.
I am originally from Cali , moved to Oklahoma, then back to Cali and now back to Oklahoma. I met my husband in 2nd grade, and we fell in love!! So, we found each other years later and here we are now happily married! I'm a wild , fun, crazy, happy girl who lives an extraordinary life! I love God, love my family and friends, and I believe you make this life how want to live. You have 3 choices in life!!! You can either give up, give in or GIVE IT ALL YOU GOT!! I come from a family of love. We didn't have a lot of money growing up and sometimes life was tough, but overall, I grew up good. My family taught me life is hard, but we choose to make it happy. It's not always going to be easy, and you have to sacrifice at times to get what you want, BUT, if you work hard and stay focused, it will pay off. Do the right thing and be a good person!!! That's the MOST IMPORTANT! I believe working hard and having good work ethic is so important. Don't be lazy, be kind and do your best. Always moving forward and setting goals. I am very driven, very on the go, very focused-driven. Life with me is an adventure. I don't take things for granted and I appreciate the small things in life. I'm very much self taught. I have a high school diploma, and I went to real estate school, and BAM! Here I am!!!

Who or what led you to a career in real estate?
When I was 19, I bought my first house with my husband (at the time he was my boyfriend). Basically, why rent when you can buy and invest into your future, am I right? So, we bought our first house. Honestly wasn't the best experience or the smoothest, and we had both REALTOR® and lenders saying we couldn't do this or that (especially cause we were so young). I just didn't believe that. We had excellent credit as well, so I went and did my research, presented it all to the lender, and I got us in the house! Both the REALTOR® and the lender said I should do this for a living -  I'm a natural!! Long story short, that's how it all began. I knew one day I wanted to become a real estate agent! I worked at another job at the time and never made the leap to become a REALTOR®. I was scared it may not work out. I had a stable job now and real estate isn't guaranteed. I ended up getting sick, having a major surgery and being down for  four months.  That job ended up firing me, and I found myself on unemployment for the first time in my life. I told my husband God's saying YOU HAVE NO CHOICE NOW what are you afraid of - do it!! So I got my real estate license and started my career. I went to school, focused, studied and made a plan!! I have no choice now but to work hard and make money!   I had to hustle to help support me and Andy! I like to say I ran and never stopped running. That's how I became a REALTOR®, and I wouldn't change it for the world!!

What sparked your interest in cars? If applicable, tell us the story behind the vehicle you are featuring.
Okay so cars. Well, that's my life! I grew up with cars. My dad's a hot rod guy, he owned a tire shop when I was little, and I grew up wrenching with him in the garage! My dad taught me how to work on cars, change my tires , oil, etc. Then, I met my boyfriend and, of course, he's into cars, too. We started building cars together, drifting cars together, and now we are married and have multiple cars and are about to start our first family build together with our son!! We are a big car family.

How does your love for cars and your career in real estate intertwine, if at all?
I am the Drift Chick!! AKA, Drifting Home! Everyone knows me as the chick who drifts cars and the agent who works alot of shop client/car clients. I love my car people and I sell to a lot of them. My logo is Drifting Home, "Tired of spinning your wheels, CALL the Drift Chick" ! I love to drift and been drifting now for 11-12 years. NOW, my real estate career has been booming, so last few years I actually haven't made an event. That's bittersweet but I'll be back sooner then later. I'M READY!! With that being said I work a lot of the car community and love helping them buy and sell their homes.

Is there anything else you want us to know about you and/or your love of cars?
My GTR now is purple/pink and lime green. The picture I added is white (the day I got it) before I modified it all.


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