INKING DEALS: Dirk Matthews



How Many Tattoos Do You Have?

I lost count a long time ago. I always say that I have 1, but it's not done yet. If I had to guess on how many separate pieces are on me.... over 25. 

Tell Us About Your First Tattoo! How old were you and what was it? Do you still love it or regret it? 

The one I gave myself when I was 12. It is hilariously bad, and I'll have it covered up someday. That's as much as I'll say about that one.

Tell Us About One of Your Favorite Tattoos. Think of one of your tattoos that has a special meaning to you, or maybe has a special story behind it. 

The Mara demon on my right hand. It's a daily reminder to stay on the path that I'm on and to avoid the distractions that would lead me in the wrong direction. The shark on my left hand I had done in Roatan, Honduras, after Emily and I went scuba diving with sharks. 

Do You Have Any Funny Stories on How/Why You Got Any of Your Tattoos?

Emily and I were walking the main strip in Cancun when we met a man dressed up as Beetlejuice. We became fast friends and he walked us to his friend's tattoo shop down the street. Emily and I got matching skulls with sombreros as a reminder of that trip. 

Describe the Feeling of Getting a New Tattoo. 

They all hurt like hell. Some are worse than others. The palm is by far the most painful place I've ever been tattooed. That's why only one of my palms is tattooed. I almost swore tattoos off after getting that palm done. 

What's a Myth You Want to BUST About Tattoos and Business?

I know that the amount of tattoos I have can be a detractor for some clients. So, I dress professionally and add as much value to my clients as I possibly can. I hope that prospective clients and colleagues can look past my appearance and allow my knowledge base and cooperation to speak towards my professional abilities. 

How Many Total Hours Has an Artist Spent on Your Tattoos Combined?

Most of my upper half is covered. I'd estimate I'm between 70-90 hours in, but that is a VERY rough estimate. 

What is One Piece of Advice that Has Served You Well in This Industry?

Know your worth. Lead with Value. Care Deeply. Know when to shut up. 


Land Enterprises Roofing


INKING DEALS: Justin Stephens