Blake Shelton



Living His Purpose

When the call is placed, who will answer? Who will step forward? And who will be able to thrive with a drive that is fueled by purpose?

Those ideals describe Blake Shelton very well.

As a real estate consultant with Keller Williams Realty Elite and a real estate investor, Blake lives with deep purpose that is intertwined with helping his clients. 

“Legacy is a big word for me. I look at it from a tiered perspective … God, then family, then business. What drives me is spiritual,” Blake says. “As a believer, I know I’m not living out my purpose if I am not living out my full potential. I want to do everything I can to do the best I can. I’m having fun with real estate, and I think about providing for the family that I plan on having.” 

A Determined Start

Blake received his license in 2020. At the time, he was going into his senior year of college when he got his license. 

“I worked quite a few different jobs at the same time and I wanted to get into real estate investing, and wanting to find something that would reward me for my efforts. I decided to become an agent to learn more, so I went out and got a 0% credit card and put the cost of getting my license on that,” he remembers. 

“That was three years ago when I was a senior at OU. I was working a full-time internship in medical sales. I had been offered a job in medical sales in California. But I took a leap of faith in myself, and as soon as I graduated in 2021, I went into the business full-time.”

Hitting His Stride

Getting into the business, Blake started riding what he calls a rollercoaster.

“I was putting time into school and I had an internship that I was working. It was a juggling act. I got a few deals rolling. After I closed my first deal, I started calling and doing open houses, and contacting every other source possible to generate deals. It was a tough start,” Blake recalls. 

“It was really tough at first, wondering who would work with someone who was in college, but then I realized the more I looked busy and built my brand, the better. I called and mailed everyone I knew. One day, I did 20 miles with door hangers.”

Gaining Ground

At the end of 202, Blake joined with a partner and started buying properties. They bought their first house in 2022. Today, they have 22 rental properties and continue to flip, as well. 

“A lot of my business is brokering and building a portfolio on the side, and eventually, I put more time into that,” Blake says. “I’m hiring part-time help that will be going full-time in 2024. He is taking care of a lot of things. He is my right-hand guy.”

As Blake thinks about the parts of his work that he loves the most, the human element is prominent.

“I love the fact that this is such a client-facing business. There’s desk work, of course, but if you want to thrive, it’s going to be client-facing. I enjoy that … being around people, getting to know them and building relationships,” Blake says.  

“I like flipping properties. That’s very satisfying to me. I love seeing a project go from start to finish. There’s always something in these projects that teaches you a lot of patience.”

His tireless efforts have produced real results. In fact, in 2023, Blake has recorded 41 transactions representing $18.5 million in sales volume.


Away from work, Blake cherishes those closest to him, including his girlfriend, Natalie, and his family—his parents, Bob and Jan; and his sister, Paige.

“My parents were a huge part with moral support and being in my corner … raising me the right way,” he says. “They had me working in high school so I could realize the value of money and hard work to get what you want. My family’s support has been incredible.”

In his free time, Blake loves playing golf, spending time with friends, and following two of his favorite teams — the Thunder and the Sooners.

Blake brings a straightforward and driven edge to his work serving his clients. He does it all with a calm demeanor and a love for negotiation.

“I want to be a man of my word who executes at the end of the day. I want to get things done for the people I work with,” Blake says.

“If you have a distressed property, I would love to make an offer on it. I promise you we will be the easiest buyer you have EVER worked with and we can provide some good references for that as well. I would say to other agents that if you have an off-market deal, we will let you take both sides of the commission if we buy.” 

That mission is something he accomplishes each day and living his purpose.


Aimee Dauphin


Jamie Hanselman