Supreme Inspections | Gerardo Angeles



A Born Entrepreneur

Gerardo Angeles has had an entrepreneurial drive for longer than he can remember. Growing up in Oklahoma City, many of his values were shaped by those of his immigrant parents. 

Gerardo’s father, who moved to the US from Michoacan, Mexico, was a business owner of a produce store in the downtown farmer’s market, and some of Gerardo’s earliest memories are from the time he spent helping his dad with odds-and-ends jobs. He’d often lend a hand stocking the shelves, running the register, and loading watermelons into trailers, among other activities. While it wasn’t glamorous work, this time shaped Gerardo’s worldview and gave him his first peek into what it would take to be a business owner.

“I learned hard work, consistency, and dedication,” Gerardo reflects. “I also knew that I could achieve even more.”

Gerardo launched his first business as a personal trainer shortly after graduating high school. Emboldened by his own weight loss journey, during which he dropped from over 320 pounds to 190 pounds, he set out to help others achieve the same results. Unfortunately, this venture didn’t pan out as Gerardo hoped. He then tried his hand as a professional musician, which never took flight, either. 

Rather than allowing these obstacles to sink him, Gerardo used them as a springboard to his eventual success.

“I began reading books about entrepreneurship. I reached out to people who were successful. I began building a lot of knowledge that I was able to implement on a daily basis,” Gerardo says. “And then there was a belief in myself — having faith in myself and in a higher good. You have to believe in the times when it sucks."

By this time, Gerardo was working for an air duct repair company, giving him his first taste of the home inspection business. He became driven to found a home inspection company, and in 2020, he did just that, opening the doors for Supreme Inspections.

“As I looked into the home inspection business, I noticed there was a niche I could fill as a Spanish-speaking home inspector. So that drove me to dive into it and get licensed,” Gerardo explains. “It was really hard, a slow start at first, but once we got our name out there and built trust, things started spreading pretty quickly. We grew a name for doing Spanish-speaking inspections.

Nearly five years after its founding, Supreme Inspections is thriving. Gerardo has added several inspectors, the ability to conduct termite inspections, sewer scopes, and a pest control company, 365 Pest Control. He runs his organization with a deep commitment to the individuals and communities he serves.

“We’re bilingual, so we can serve a much-needed client base. We care. I am personal. We see the huge difference it makes for people,” Gerardo says. “Now, our big thing is making our communities as strong as possible — the bilingual community, the areas we grew up in.”

Gerardo has some big long-term goals. He aspires to one day return to college to become a theoretical physicist, allowing him to be a difference-maker in a new way. But for now, he’s keenly focused on making Supreme Inspections Oklahoma’s most well-respected brand.

“We want to continue to grow. Thankfully, we’ve been able to grow to where we now have an undeniable offer, inspectors, and a team of termite and pest guys. Our idea is to keep growing and serve as much of the community as possible,” Gerardo explains. “And I want to leave some type of legacy to inspire people to change themselves — to use my story to help people struggling to know they can do successful things.”

Fun Fact

Gerardo enjoys playing classical guitar in his downtime.

For more information on Supreme Inspections, visit or call 405-868-8376.


Kasey Reyes


Tara Porter