Terry & Jackie Saxon



Terry and Jackie Saxon’s love story began over 50 years ago, when the pair was in second grade. As neighbors and friends, they have memories of catching tadpoles together, exploring nature and getting into a bit of trouble.

“We got caught kissing on the playground in second grade,” Terry laughs. “Our parents were called, and the harsh punishment was we had to sit out a week’s worth of recess.”

The following year, Jackie moved away, but she returned to Norman in high school. Terry’s friend set him up on a blind date — and that date just so happened to be with Jackie.

“I hadn't seen her since third grade, but the minute we looked at each other, we knew,” Terry continues. “We dated during our junior year and got married after our senior year.”

Terry and Jackie have now been married for 41 years. They have two adult children, five grandchildren, and operate a thriving real estate business. While raising a family and running a business hasn’t always been easy, there’s no one else Terry and Jackie would rather be with on the journey of life.

The Early Years

Terry and Jackie’s first career was in the title business. In their early 20s, they both settled into day jobs, finding stability. Yet, at such a ripe time of life, they both desired more experiences and adventures.

“Jackie and I got married at 18 and 19 years old. I was working here in Norman for a title company, but I wasn't going anywhere professionally. Neither one of us had ever been out of Norman, OkK. I wanted to go to school but didn't have the money,” Terry reflects.

After seeing a commercial for the U.S. Marine Corps, Terry decided to enlist, intending to use his time in the military to earn a degree. Terry spent a decade in the Marines, during which he served in Operation Desert Shield and Operation Desert Storm, traveled the world from Korea to Saudi Arabia and earned a degree in aviation management. After those 10 years, the couple returned to their roots in Norman.

Coming Home

Upon returning to Oklahoma, Terry and Jackie picked up their old jobs in the title industry. Jackie became a REALTOR® first, in 2000.

“Jackie became very successful quickly, tripled her income, and then I walked away from my job to help,” Terry reflects. “I said, ‘I'm not going to be a REALTOR®; I'm going to be your assistant.’ Lo and behold, 20-something years later, I'm a broker. I got into it and got hooked.”

Terry and Jackie loved the flexibility and connectedness of a career in real estate. Meeting people, negotiating deals and serving their community inspired them. They’ve grown their business with hard work, perseverance and old-school integrity.

“We walked neighborhoods day after day putting flyers in doors, and we worked our butts off to get where we are today,” Terry says.

Terry and Jackie have always been committed to finding creative solutions. So, when internet searches became popular in the early 2010s, they introduced a unique proposition — a flat fee for all listings. This unique offering has become a pillar of their business.

In 2013, the couple founded Saxon Realty, which is now a team of 15 agents. Terry and Jackie continue to be the brokerage's top producers. In fact, they are No. 5 in sales volume in Cleveland County and No. 65 in the Oklahoma City metro area, despite not having an assistant, transaction coordinator or buyer’s agent on their team. Terry and Jackie closed 63 transactions for $19 million in 2021 and are tracking to exceed those numbers in 2022.

“In business, we both want to be remembered for doing things the right way, with integrity, offering something that’s beneficial for both parties, and making many friends along the way."

It’s All for Family

When they’re not working, Terry and Jackie enjoy cooking and taking weekend trips. However, their favorite thing to do is spend time with their five grandkids.

“Our family — our children and grandkids — are the top priority. If we’re not working, we spend every minute available to be with our grandkids,” Jackie beams. “It is so important to us to be part of their lives as much as possible. [There is] nothing more rewarding. Outside real estate, it’s 110% grandkids.”

As Terry and Jackie look toward the future, they see their eventual retirement on the horizon. But for now, they remain committed to their clients.

“We do this 24/7, and we pride ourselves on that. We haven't changed from day one. We're still hard chargers,” Terry concludes.


Paul Mazzalongo


Oklahoma Association of REALTORS®