Sarah Casey



When Sarah Casey, broker associate at CB Mike Jones Company, hit the real estate scene, she did so at a full run — and she’s never slowed down. Seeking relief from a physically demanding job at a juvenile detention facility, Sarah accepted an administrative position for a much-needed change of pace and quickly licensed as a REALTOR®.

“I’ve never looked back,” says Sarah.

Having had no previous experience in the industry, Sarah explains that she was trained with high-volume business as a norm. There was no steady or gradual on-ramp experience — she went from 0 to 100 in an instant!

“High-volume business became an unconscious practice for me and exposed me to a variety of transactions and real estate sale types,” remarks Sarah.

Her fast pace has allowed her a wealth of experience in a short amount of time. Asked what makes her stand out in the real estate industry, Sarah laughs and says, “Besides my opinionated disposition? Most likely my high-volume or multi-faceted experience. I've had more industry exposure in my 10-plus years than most see in a 50-year career … and I'm just getting started.”

Make no mistake — Sarah Casey is gonna “go, go, go” and there’s “no stopping” her!

Real Estate: More than “9 to 5”

Of course, anyone who works at the pace that Sarah does must have an intentional approach to work/life balance – anyone familiar with the real estate business knows this is not a “9 to 5” job.

“It's no secret that in this industry, your phone will ring at all hours,” reflects Sarah, as she looks back on how she began to manage her workload while attending to her personal life. “Like so many, I was jumping for each call in the beginning and then gradually began learning how to manage the expectations of my clients, cooperative agents, or vendors to expect product or action at specific times during the day, allowing me to disconnect at a reasonable hour and be fully present in my home life.”

Sarah has reason to focus on balancing it all: She is a single parent to two children. “My oldest child just graduated high school and has been accepted to the University of Central Oklahoma. Kye is an amazing musician and writer and hopes to become an English teacher. My youngest child, Jacob, is also a gifted musician and student with a focus on aviation and engineering. He is entering high school in the fall. My presence with my children is my top priority and a demand that my scheduled business must meet.

An Educated “Piano (Wo)Man”

In addition to being a dedicated real estate broker and devoted mother, Sarah is also a talented musician with a passion for education, both of which were instilled in her as invaluable during her upbringing.

“Music is my best language. Though I have a bold personality, it is a learned behavior, and I'm shy at my core. Music has always been an amazing form of expression for me with emotions, passions and even grief. I've played the piano and sang from a very young age and continue to use it as a cornerstone for balance and reflection in my life,” explains Sarah. She can always find comfort at the keys.

Sarah’s grandfather was the key element in shaping her professional etiquette, as well as her code of ethics. “My grandfather saw promise in my potential and ensured that I was keenly aware of it. His lessons are, without question, my core values,” says Sarah.

Her grandfather’s encouragement and support are present in Sarah’s work as she guides clients through their transactions. “One of my key points with clients is always that they have a good understanding of the process and become an educated consumer, and, therefore, more confident in their decisions,” explains Sarah.

Sarah also credits her children with her evolution into her best self, one that is compassionate and caring for others. “My life changed when I became a mother. I learned a different kind of love, passion and empathy for human life that helped me see past myself. I was made aware early on of my high capacity and intellect in many ways, this separated me from engaging with peers. Having my children made me see pieces of myself that had a world of room to grow and develop.”

For Sarah Casey, that’s what it means to be successful ... not just deciding you’ve been successful in life, but continually looking for opportunities to grow.

“Success to me just means you did what you set out to do, and there's always more to do.”


Brett Boone


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