Kori Abbott



In the drive to achieve goals, the process of setting and achieving milestones on an individual basis is rewarding.

But when those achievements are completed on behalf of others, the feeling becomes truly fulfilling.

That’s the spirit that drives Kobi Abbott.

As a team leader with The Sooner Home Team with Real Broker, Kobi has a knack and passion for lifting others around her.

“I love my agents and the people I’m surrounded by on a daily basis. I’m a networker, and I love connecting with them, including my affiliates. That’s one of my favorite parts of what I do,” Kobi says.

“I really enjoy being able to meet new people, give back to those that have supported me, and interact with my great team on a daily basis.”

Early Lessons

Kobi grew up in Mcloud, OK, where she learned important lessons early on.

“I had a mom and dad that truly believed in working hard, being a productive citizen and giving back when you can,” Kobi says. “Those are the foundations I live by and how I built my businesses.”

Kobi earned her real estate license in 2016. It seemed to be a natural step for her.

“That’s because I’ve always been an entrepreneur. I have had the opportunity to start and run several small businesses in the small town that I am from. It started from a small boutique and ended in a dog grooming business, all of which I sold to start my journey in real estate,” Kobi says.

“I remember having several conversations through time with my husband, who had wanted to do it at one point. After he started in the business, I got in to help him. I had owned my own dog grooming shop before that.”

Gaining Ground

In time, Kobi started with Keller Williams as a team leader. In March of this year, Kobi made the move to join Real Broker.

Today, Kobi has her own team with two buyer’s agents, with plans to add more team members in the months to come.

Team Pride

The pride she has in her team members is easy to see.

“My team members and my family are the elements that really drive me in what I do each day,” she says with a smile. “I want to make sure that my team is taken care of.”

Her focus on teamwork and fostering a positive environment are definitely intentional.

“As Peter Drucker says, ‘Culture eats strategy for breakfast.’ I believe you have to create a culture of high ownership and hire people that are results-oriented,” Kobi points out.

“Then you must trust them and the talents they bring to make your business better. Once people enjoy their work-life then their home life becomes a little more enjoyable. We all win.”

Her efforts have been sustained and dedicated. As a result, she has built remarkable results. In fact, in 2021, she recorded around $11.5 million in sales volume.

Wonderful Life

Away from work, Kobi’s world is made much richer by her family, including her husband, Jesse Abbott, and their sons — Conley and Cash … along with one grandchild.

“Jesse encouraged me to go start my first business and has supported me on every venture since. He actually got started in real estate before me as just a hobby,” Kobi says. “His support has given me the confidence to make things happen in whatever journey we are on.”

In her free time, one of Kobi’s favorite things is spending time at the lake. In addition, she has a heart for helping the community. One of her favorite organizations to support is the local school system.

Kobi and her team are definitely engaged in making the community a better place.

“We partner with many schools in the area. For every sale that comes out of that district, we donate money back to a classroom in need that the client chooses. Also, my team and I have donated our own time and money and used our network to help us remodel several teacher lounges in hopes that it helps them have better days in the difficult job they do,” Kobi explains.

“Plus, we partnered with Financial Concepts and Stewart Title to come into our community to help add businesses and give our clients a better experience overall.”

When you talk with Kobi, it’s easy to see her honesty and integrity … qualities that continue to draw people to her.

“I highly value relationships. Whether it is connecting for business purposes, recharging with people at the end of a long day or spending time with my family,” she says with a smile. “I love being around people, I love helping people out, and I have a heart of a servant.”


Eleonore Hutton


Brett Boone