Cristy Gramajo



Reaching their Results

Your clients are setting out on a trek through unfamiliar territory when they begin the process of buying or selling a property. With that in mind, it makes a huge difference for them when they can turn to you — an experienced guide.

Cristy Gramajo has built a solid reputation for results through time as Team Leader, Mentor and 2X ICON Agent with the Cristy Gramajo Realtor Team with eXp Realty.

Passion for the Profession
Her passion for what she does is contagious.

“I love waking up, checking my messages and checking MLS to see what’s new on the market. We don’t have a lot of inventory right now, so I get excited when I see a property that matches my client's needs. I also follow up with leads on a daily basis,” Cristy says. “A lot of the homebuyers I work with are very young and can become discouraged very quickly, but I work with them to help them be patient. Patience is key in any real estate transaction.”

Cristy began her real estate career when she earned her license in February 2019.

Finding Her Path
Prior to beginning of her real estate adventure, she had been on another path. Originally, while she was attending college, she had her sights set on becoming an FBI agent.

“I want to help my community. I grew up not seeing a lot of Latino law enforcement agents. During the two years I spent in the course, I thought maybe it wasn’t for me. I felt stuck for a while. Unlike other inspiring stories, my real estate career began whenever I spoke to Laura Selby (my sponsor) and that made a big impact on me.”

Cristy has known Laura since she was 10 years old. She talked with Laura about how to get into the business. Laura gave her a lot of good information on how to get started and invited Cristy to shadow her once she got her license.

After sticking with it and earning her license, Cristy called Laura, who helped her get signed up with eXp Realty and connected her with a mentor. Unfortunately, the mentor she connected with was not much of a help; "everything she has learned, she has learned on her own," she says.

Cristy encountered a natural time of transition when she got started. As she remembers, it took nine months in the business before she sold her first home. But after that, she steadily built. That continues to this day. In fact, last year, she recorded 50 transactions representing $8.7 million in sales volume.

Family Foundation
Life for Cristy is made much richer by her family, including her parents and sisters.

As she says, “My family has always been there for me as my biggest support system since day one. I owe it all to my parents.”

In her free time, Cristy has a passion for travel. She likes to take a trip several times a year. In addition, she owns an energy and nutrition shop called The Factory Energy & Nutrition.

Cristy is also getting into another side of the real estate business—buying and flipping properties. “I’m working on a flip project right now, and GOD willing will be working on several more this year,” she says. “I’m a businesswoman, and I have a love for entrepreneurship.”

In addition, Cristy also likes to attend real estate conferences, which has been a rewarding opportunity for her.

“I really enjoy having the chance to connect with people from different states and regions of the
country,” she smiles.

Leading the Way
As she considers the steps she has already taken in the business and her goals for the future, Cristy offers helpful tips for others getting into real estate.

“First and foremost, I think it’s very important to choose the right mentor. Also, don’t give up.
Communication is key. Success doesn’t happen overnight. Patience is vital,” Cristy says. “What I tell new agents is that it’s important to network and talk to people. Don't be shy. You never know who you’re going to talk to. I’ve talked with so many people who have helped open new doors for me. You never know who will be your next mentor. One person who has made an impact on my life and career is Julia Adame; go out there and network!" 

Those who have had a chance to know and work with Cristy admire her committed approach to life and business. In turn, she has lifted many others closer to their own goals.

“It’s important to me to make a difference. It means a lot when my mentees and team members tell me that I have made an impact in their lives. It means a lot when people say I’ve helped them come a long way. It warms my heart. I love helping my peers and team, and teaching them from my past mistakes.” Cristy says.

“I wanted to inspire the next generation that it’s okay to not go to college or a big university. You can become successful by becoming an entrepreneur. The younger generation was pushed to believe they have to get a degree to be successful when it's not always the case.”

Congratulations to Cristy Gramajo for making a tangible impact for those around her … in turn, helping others reach their results.


Mary Hatch


Tim Lowe, Guardian Financial Group