Jenni & Adam Aguilar




They may work for different real estate brokerages, but make no doubt — Jenni and Adam Aguilar are quickly becoming one of Oklahoma’s top real estate couples. Jenni got her start in real estate in 2018 after a decade in sales and marketing, while Adam joined the business two years later after a long career in oil and gas.

Now that they are both REALTORS®, Jenni and Adam’s life has settled into one of harmony and togetherness. They have each built unique businesses, but they often bounce ideas off the other, cover for showings and inspections when needed, and share duties at home. Their partnership allows them to be present parents and successful business owners and enjoy the things they love outside the business, like volunteering (for Jenni) and music (for Adam).

“Family is very important to us and at the heart of everything we do,” Adam says. “It’s all with that in mind. For me, my main priority is loving each other, caring for each other, and being there for each other — and then helping others.”


Jenni grew up in a small town in eastern Oklahoma. She played soccer, cheered, and spent time on the lake and river whenever she could. She enjoyed living in the country; fishing, riding horses, exploring on ATVs, and hiking through the woods were among some of her favorite pastimes. 

Jenni moved to Norman to attend college and hasn’t left. She earned a degree in journalism from the University of Central Oklahoma, spent time as a reporter, and later built a career in sales and marketing. In 2018, she decided to become a REALTOR®, somewhat following in the footsteps of her father, who was a home builder. 

Adam was born and raised in the California Bay Area; his family moved to Oklahoma City when he was 10. Adam has been drawn to music since he was a teen, starting his first of many bands in high school.

Adam went on to spend 15 years as an oil and gas landman. He enjoyed the work, but the oil and gas industry's cyclical nature began to take a toll on him. After watching his wife succeed in real estate, he began considering a similar move for himself.

“Oil and gas can be pretty up and down,” Adam explains, “and it has been more down than up in recent years. The price of a barrel dropped below zero. A profitable market or comfortable market is $80/barrel. So below zero was an all-time low. COVID-19 was kicking off; the world was crazy. There was a lot of change in the air.”

Jenni had been encouraging Adam to join her in real estate, and in 2020, he decided to follow suit, getting his license and beginning a new professional adventure.

Parallel Paths

Jenni hangs her license with Skybridge Real Estate, a corporate organization focused on commercial real estate. Over the past few years, Jenni has helped broaden the offering at Skybridge, which now provides residential and commercial real estate services in addition to construction and development. 

“At Skybridge, I’ve been able to practice and learn many areas of commercial, and, over the last few years, have split my time fairly evenly,” Jenni reflects. “It’s been an amazing learning opportunity.”

Jenni closed over $18 million in 2021 and over $20 million in 2022.

When Adam got his license, he found a great fit in the West Team at Metro First Realty, a group focused on Nicholas Hills and Edmond markets. It’s been a natural transition from oil and gas to real estate. He closed $9 million in his first full year and is tracking to close about the same in 2022.

Although Jenni and Adam work for different brokerages, their lives and businesses are inextricably linked. They have a home office with two desks where they often work together. 

“We discuss the family schedule, our other businesses, and our volunteer commitments and try to plan together. So even though we don't work for the same brokerage, we help each other in real estate. We hold open houses, go to inspections — everything a partner would do, we're still doing because we do life together. It's nice to have a place to come together,” Jenni says. “Before, we were two ships passing. Now that we work with each other, we can be a little bit closer and see each other more. Doing the same thing gives us an opportunity to connect and be on the same page. 

A Life of Balance

Perhaps Jenni and Adam’s biggest challenge is balancing family life and business. Adam has a 19-year-old son, Aidan, and the couple has a 9-year-old together, Arianna. Adam, a local musician, plays music three to four nights a week. Jenni and Adam both enjoy balancing social and extracurricular activities with nonprofit and community commitments. Adam owns a music booking agency, and the couple is also partners at VZDs, a local restaurant/bar and live music venue.

With so much going on, it’s essential for Jenni and Adam not to lose sight of their commitment to family and each other. One day, they hope to work together, but for now, they are happy building their businesses in parallel and living a joyous, family-centered life.


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