Summer Fowler



In 2015, Summer Fowler began her real estate journey with grit and perseverance. At the time, her daughter Sadie was still an infant, and Summer was a single mom. Summer had grown up in a challenging familial environment, yet she was determined to alter the trajectory of her life for the better.

“I had only been licensed for two months, and failing was not an option,” she says. “It helped me realize my capabilities and just how much grit I possessed… it made me understand everything I needed to persevere and persist was within me.”

Summer discovered that determination would be well rewarded in the real estate business. She believes succeeding in real estate requires a level of personal strength that can only be developed by overcoming obstacles.

Summer has not only come out on top in real estate; she has done so with a captivating sense of authenticity. She wears her joyous personality proudly on her sleeve.

Shaped by Her Past

The youngest of four children, Summer was raised by a single mom before being adopted by her dad as a teen. She was born in Florida and lived in Idaho for a short time before landing in Oklahoma at 13.

"I had one of those childhoods that make therapists raise their eyebrows and say ‘interesting,’” Summer reflects.

When Sadie was born, something shifted in Summer. She was finally ready to own her power and bet on herself in real estate.

In real estate, Summer was lucky enough to find a group of mentors that took her under their wings, including Sue Rosa, Teje Hopson, Jenica Plottner, Amy Bladow, Millie Eubanks, and many others.

“It wasn’t until two weeks before the pandemic when I met Missy Webb that my world changed… We hit the ground running when I joined the Webb Group Real Estate Team. Missy brute-forced something out of me that was always there, but I wasn’t confident enough to pull out. The growth and opportunity I have been given because of the Webbs and their business are hard to even put into words... I still have to pinch myself sometimes.”

Over the past seven years, Summer has grown her business and achieved a level of success that she could only have dreamed of. That success culminated with her best year to date in 2021, as she closed an impressive 48 transactions. She has also begun coaching and mentoring agents herself — a role she cherishes.

In Service of Others

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”

— Mahatma Gandhi

Summer has always felt connected to empathy and compassion for others, but in the past, she viewed these skills as a hindrance.

“Until I took a life-changing course from a mentor and friend,” she says. ”I realized that is what sets me apart. I love my clients, I love the agents I work with, and I empathize with them. That is the difference.”

Summer cherishes the moments she gets to enjoy with her clients like sitting at a table and realizing that homeownership is really possible.

“Our team truly loves people, and my main goal in life is to serve others…. My purpose in life is to share my love, light, and sensitivity with others. I am lucky enough to do that in my career with clients and the agents on our team,” Summer says.

Giving Thanks

As Summer reflects on her journey, she rests in a state of gratitude for the people that have supported her — from her husband, Jason, to her daughters, Sadie and Charlie, to her niece, Hadley, who she has custody of, to her real estate mentors. Summer and Jason met in high school and married in 2018. Sadie is now six, and Charlie is fast approaching her first birthday.

“If there are two words to sum up my family, it’s quirky and chaotic,” Summer smiles. ‘We have my Sadie baby; she is six. She is smart and sassy and full of love. She is a mini-me in every way, from the freckles to the fight. She literally saved my life in more ways than one. She is sensitive and brilliant and so darn weird (which is a compliment in our house). Charlie is our baby girl… She was a surprise, but the best one we did not know we needed. She brings all of us so much joy and is the happiest and most vocal baby I have ever met. Then there is Hadley, our niece. She is almost 15 and the epitome of a teenage girl. She has a fire in her belly that can take out anyone. She is strong-willed and a survivor. She is also someone that you will always want on your side. She is beautiful and will go to war for those she loves.”

In the past six years, Summer has changed the trajectory of her life and the lives of her daughters for the better. Still, she keeps her past close to her heart. In a way, her story is her gift to the world.

“I have wounds and scars from my life that I work on healing daily, but I would not change them. I am a survivor, I am gritty, and I am strong. I would not be as resilient or persistent if I had not been through the good or the bad of my story. I have a unique story and wear it proudly — some days more than others. I feel like we as a human race do not embrace our pasts and stories enough. We look at them as an anchor rather than an opportunity. My past, as adventurous as it was, has provided me with a pretty unique perspective on the world and empathy and compassion for others. I would not change that for anything.”


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