Shanna Garrett



Shanna Garrett, team leader of Sold by Shanna Real Estate Team – KW Platinum, has been in the real estate business for six years — and all that time, she’s flown solo.

“Starting as an independent agent right out of the gate definitely wasn’t the easier route,” she laughs. “But I was green — my second mom had been an independent agent in the small town I grew up in; REALTOR® teams just aren’t a thing in a town that size. I simply didn’t comprehend the differences between a team structure and being an independent REALTOR®. So, I went with what I knew.”

Naturally, the first year or so of her real estate career was a challenge.

“It took six months to close my first deal, and I think I only did three transactions that year. But failure just isn’t an option for me, so I kept at it,” recalls Shanna.

Luckily, a great mentor and coach entered into her life and career at the right time.

“After I left my first brokerage and began at my second, my friend and colleague, Devrie, took me under her wing,” explains Shanna. “At the time, COVID had just hit, and I was advised to wait it out.” Like most industries, the real estate market was not sure how to navigate business during a pandemic. “But Devrie told me — on one of our first Zoom calls — that I was not going to wait it out. She laid out what we could do to build my business, even during such an unsure time. And her willingness to pour into me then is what has led to my success now.”

Mid-Flight Turbulence
But Shanna hasn’t always flown solo. She actually studied business administration and international business at Columbia College in Columbia, MO, and later went to work for Shelter Insurance Company. When her son was born, she found herself hit with an unpredictable situation that caused her to change direction.

“I had about a week left of my maternity leave at the insurance company when the babysitter I had hired to care for my son backed out,” Shanna says. Suddenly, she found herself caught in some crosswinds and needed to change direction.

“The thought of the work/life balance real estate could offer me was part of my motivation for the change, but I’ve also always had a fascination with homes. Well before I was in the business, I enjoyed driving around to just look at homes — and if there was an open house, you can bet I’d be there!” she laughs. “I can spot a for sale sign a mile away.”

Believe it or not, her studies and background in insurance have given her a leg up in the real estate industry.

“My study of international business has really deepened my understanding of people from different cultural backgrounds,” she explains. “It taught me how to be aware, considerate and respectful of how people live. I truly love the diversity of people I work with in my business.”

Her time at Shelter Insurance, too, informed her approach to real estate. “Shelter has a very intricate customer service training program. One of the classes I took was a week-long, intensive training on how a home is built — from the ground up. While I may not be a contractor, I know how a home is built and what goes into the process.” This knowledge is a real asset to her clients — it allows Shanna to help her customers see what can be done to their homes to help sell them for what they’re worth.

“Some people walk in and think they can’t sell a house for a certain price point because it is flawed in some way, so we talk through how those flaws can be corrected … cleaning, fresh paint, etc.,” explains Shanna. “One client I worked with thought they'd have to put thousands into their home to be able to sell it, but after a brief consultation, I was able to advise them of what needed to be done and connected with the right vendors. They ended up being able to sell their home at market value.”

Enjoying the View

While Shanna is ambitious and always has her sights on a goal, what she is really passionate about is helping others.

“Helping people to find their forever home or the right investment property … seeing them make memories or build their wealth… I simply love walking with people and watching them live and grow into their homes,” says Shanna. “I enjoy being part of the journey.”

Her love for helping others extends beyond the real estate industry, too. A product of a rocky childhood, Shanna is passionate about helping children in foster care. As a preteen, she went to live with her grandparents but had a whole village of people who supported and loved her during that time. From 2019 to 2021, she served as a foster parent to two young children — in addition to having two of her own! She also supports foster children by offering Ingredient cooking classes.

“I have had the privilege of partnering with Angels Foster Care, Lilyfield Foster Care, and Pivot. I want to do what I can to help young kids and adults build life skills to succeed, especially when they have no one else to teach them is a cause worth supporting for me.” She hopes to expand these resource classes in the future, offering life skills classes, hygiene education and more.

Shanna is mother to two children, Ava (13) and James (5). “Ava is big into travel softball and plays for OKC Outlaws. She is headed into eighth grade at Cheyenne Middle School. James is all boy and big into Mario and Legos right now, and he looks forward to T-ball and first grade in the fall,” remarks Shanna. “I do what I do so that I can give my kids a carefree childhood.”

And, as if all of that isn’t enough, Shanna is also — literally — learning to fly. “I went gliding for the first time last year, and now I’m hooked!” She is interested in getting her license, in all her “spare time.”

Ambitious, adventurous, and compassionate — Shanna Garrett is flying to new heights.


Peak RES


Joanna Haley