Rosa Spotts




We’ve all seen the engaging social media posts of our friends who celebrate the purchase of their home. It’s a big milestone to mark. 

But behind the smiles, sold signs, and new keys is tons of work. You know that as well as anyone. 

Driven to Make a Difference

You’re the one who is there to protect and guide your clients to the closing table … to the point where part of the definition of your success is how easy you make the process for them.

It’s the same drive that Rosa Spotts has for her work with her clients, as well.

As a REALTOR® with Metro First Realty Group, Rosa loves building dreams behind the scenes.

 “In this line of work, we make sacrifices to help others … sacrifices in time with our families. This is a hard job. And yet, it’s very rewarding,” Rosa says. “If you give 110 percent you will make it. The newer people who join the business see our success, but they don’t see the sacrifices that we make. But, as they get into it, they understand.” 

From Mexico to America

Rosa is originally from Mexico. During her time there, she got a very early start in the business. In fact, when she was just 18 years old, she was selling homes in Mexico City.

“That was at the time of the big earthquake in Mexico City. Real estate is much different there than it is here in the U.S. I loved it, but with the earthquake, I decided to go into another field,” Rosa remembers. “In 1988, we moved here. We owned restaurants and I took care of all aspect of them from A to Z. I got divorced, and in time, I remarried. My second husband introduced me to real estate and told me that he thought I would do very well in it. He was a Broker with two companies.”

Tested by Fire

When Rosa earned her license and joined the business in the U.S. it was during the 2000s. She endured the challenges of the economic downturn of the late 2000s.

“Those first two or three years were very difficult. During that time, I was thinking, ‘I haven’t sold anything. I was considering changing careers,” Rosa says. 

“Thank God I had a friend who was a mortgage lender at the time. I united with her, and we made TV commercials for the Hispanic community. That’s when I realized I can sell to anyone and I can sell million-dollar homes.”

Heart for Helping

Rosa has a heart for helping others. She acknowledges the plight of many people who move to America to pursue a better life, and yet they don’t know the language. 

“I wanted to help my people while I also making a living. I wanted to be the one person they could trust to help their family and friends to acquire a home,” Rosa says. 

“That has been my biggest reward to get the keys to their home in a country that is so strange to them. I want to help them acquire that big dream. I have been very blessed to do this for the past 17 years.”

Rosa feels blessed by the signs of her success, as well. In fact, she records 60 to 80 transactions each year on average, along with commercial deals, as well. 

Family Fulfillment

Family time makes life much richer for Rosa. She cherishes time with Clifford, who has retired from his role as a Broker, and their children — Viviana Skidmore, who has her license and works as Rosa’s processor; Maria Ruggles, who is licensed and works part-time in real estate; and Marissela Ruggles, who has two children of her own.

Rosa has seven grandchildren that she adores, as well.

“Clifford has been a big part of my career. He had been my mentor and has been a great support,” she says. “Real estate is very hard and demanding with lots of hours. I couldn’t do it without him. He sacrifices time I can give him.”

In her free time, Rosa enjoys watching television with Clifford and spending time with her friends.

When it comes to helping the community, Rosa enjoys supporting organizations such as Neighborhood Housing and Community Services that both provide downpayment assistance to homebuyers.

Dedication and Commitment

Day by day, Rosa dedicates herself to bringing the dream of homeownership to those she serves. 

“I hope they describe me as a person who helps them reach their dreams,” Rosa says. “I want people to know that I’m here to help them with their first step — providing them with the tools they need to achieve their dreams. I can’t do this without God, my family and my faithful clients.”

Congratulations to Rosa Spotts for her tireless efforts in helping those around her reach one of the most important milestones in their lives … in turn, building dreams behind the scenes.


Cameron Burke


Jennifer Gilchrest