Marisa Maher | Cutco Closing Gifts




2010. While attending York College on a track and basketball scholarship, Marisa Maher tore her ACL, sidelining her from athletic activities for an extended period. News like this is never easy to swallow, but Marisa began a part-time job selling Cutco during that time. Little did she know that her part-time job would turn into a long-term sales career.

“That summer was when I started with Cutco, and I had no idea I would be able to develop the phone and appointment booking skills or the sales and management skills that I did, much less be able to run the scale of business I am running today,” Marisa reflects.

Marisa continued selling Cutco part-time through college. After graduating with two degrees — one in biology, another in chemistry, and a minor in athletic training — she decided to pursue a career with Cutco.

“I had no idea I would build it into a full-time career; however, I’m so grateful for the opportunities this company has provided for me,” she smiles.

Drawing on her Roots

Marisa was raised in a God-centered family. Her parents taught her the value of hard work, and she has been able to apply that to everything she does.

“My parents taught me great scheduling discipline and to chase the dreams God has put on my heart. They’ve always had a little bit of entrepreneurism within their ways — maybe not quite all out in the way that I live it out, but they taught me to work hard, be a leader, and believe in myself to set goals and achieve them.

As Marisa was presented with more opportunities at Cutco, she stepped into them. She transitioned from traditional in-home sales to a business-to-business sales role. With a focus on self-development, education, and consistent growth, she has improved year after year.

Serving the Community

Cutco offers American-made, handcrafted knives and kitchen products. The products are covered by a forever guarantee and are some of the most durable knives available. Marisa and her team engrave branded products for real estate agents and business owners.

“We provide one of the best gifting systems instead of something that is spent, consumed, eaten, or easily lost. It creates a win-win-win for the client, receiving something useful they will use and appreciate in their home as a whole family,” Marisa says. “We create a system for your business to … make a lasting impact on your clients for the rest of their life. We save you time, resources, and bring quality and longevity associated with your brand to give you the best ROI on your gifting.”

Marisa offers several programs to make her customers’ lives easier, from bulk discounts to drop shipping.

“Then you also get me,” she beams. “I’m known as the ‘sharpest girl you will meet.’ For me, this is a relationship, not simply a transaction, and it’s important to me to offer the highest level of service I can in addition to providing phenomenal products and solutions.”

Living Her Dream

In addition to her closing gifts business, Marisa is the co-owner of a local CrossFit gym. Whether working at the gym or selling closing gifts, her goals remain the same — to serve her community and impact those around her positively.

She recently married her husband, James, and the couple has a white boxer-pit, Koba. Marisa enjoys CrossFit, travel, making art and listening to books. She’s also getting into real estate investing. 

In all aspects of her life, she leads with her values.

“I love God, and I love people. I’m far from perfect but will always give my best. I'm constantly looking for ways to grow, improve, contribute and add more value in anything I do,” Marisa says. “[I want to be remembered for] bringing smiles and laughter to those I interact with, making each person’s day a little better, [and] bringing life, joy, and healing wherever I go. [I want to be remembered for] bringing the best version of others out, to [help them] see their potential and that they can do more than they think — to [help them] believe in themselves and to pursue what lights their heart on fire.”

Fun Fact

Marisa has visited all 50 states in the U.S. She’s also well-traveled internationally, having spent time in countries such as Taiwan and Japan.

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