Lauren Sargeant




One of the many attributes you put to work for your clients each day is your willingness to go above and beyond for them … to not just go through the motions, but truly fulfill their needs.

That’s a role that Lauren Sargeant enjoys fulfilling for her clients, as well.

As a REALTOR® with Keller Williams Central Oklahoma, Lauren is an active advocate for those around her, including when it comes to giving back. 

Making a Dedicated Difference

One of Lauren’s true passions is making a difference in her community … especially supporting HALO Project International.  

“We got involved with the organization because our oldest child is adopted,” Lauren explains. “We felt like we were failing as parents. We could see her need for us to grow our parenting skills.”

In time, Lauren and her husband, Clayton, heard about HALO Project International—an organization that was amazing and helping foster and adoptive parents.

“We got into their 10-week intensive counseling program. We got our hope back and they taught us how to better connect with our daughter and son. It was transformational for our family,” Lauren says. “That was eight years ago. I knew talking with other families that all our kids from hard places had some similarities.”

When the first board of directors was established for the organization, Lauren was there — eager to volunteer and help. She has been on the board of directors ever since then. In fact, she currently serves as president of the board.

“I remember talking with our executive director, Cindy Lee, and telling her how much I wanted to be involved,” Lauren says. “I didn’t want others to have to walk this difficult road without the skills required. I want all families and children who have experienced trauma to find hope, healing, and better connections. We have a fantastic group of 17 licensed therapists who are doing amazing work in our community.” (

Some things seem to happen as if they were meant to be. And that’s the way Lauren feels about the partnership she and her family have with the organization.

“You walk through hard things, and if you let God use it, He turns it into a beautiful thing, and that’s what HALO is for us. Our daughter is so much better about communicating her needs. She has turned into a firecracker of an advocate for kids. It has been her mission for three years to get the counselors, teachers and administrators at her school into more trainings with HALO,” Lauren smiles. “They are starting that because of her persistence and information that she has provided. I’m very proud of her. She is a big mental health advocate for kids.” 

Helping In Many Important Ways

The way that Lauren has been involved with the organization is a natural extension of her desire to help people around her.

“I love building relationships with people. I believe there’s a house out there for everyone. I like being part of the process while we discover where that is,” Lauren says. “Your home is more than just a house. It’s also about the neighborhood you choose, where you will stop for coffee, enjoy a date night, and weekend lunches with your family and friends.”

In addition to her committed work on behalf of her clients as they reach their real estate goals, Lauren is also an advocate at large for the community she loves. In fact, she has a passion for sharing local restaurants and boutiques with the world … so much so that she has her own blog with videos on YouTube sharing her favorite local businesses. See

Getting Her Start

Before real estate, Lauren was a teacher in Yuma, Arizona, when her husband, Clayton, was stationed there with the U.S. Marines. While there, Lauren attended graduate school and got her master’s degree in Special Education.

In time, Lauren and Clayton moved back to Oklahoma City. As Clayton was deployed to Iraq, Lauren thought about other paths she could take professionally. Real estate came to mind.

“My father-in-law, Rowell, had been in the business for years and was the regional director for Keller Williams, and he suggested that I get my license. In 2003, my husband had gone to Iraq; when he left, I was a school teacher, and when he came back, I was a REALTOR®,” Lauren says with a smile.

Initially, when she got into the business, Lauren, Clayton, Rowell, and Corrie formed the Sargeant Home Team. 

Today, the team includes just Lauren and Clayton.

“My husband helps me on the side. He is an Oklahoma City police officer, and we love helping other first responder and military families find their forever homes. They are also joined by Shari, her transaction coordinator, and Lauren’s sister, Karlee, who serves as her marketing coordinator.

Wonderful Life

Family is at the heart of life for Lauren. She treasures time with Clayton and their children—15-year-old Sophie, and 14-year-old Sam.

In their free time, Lauren and her family enjoy attending Life Church. They also love to host friends and family, travel and explore local restaurants and businesses.

Day by day, Lauren Sargeant is an active advocate for the needs of those around her.

“I listen, and I genuinely care about my clients and their families. For me, it’s not just about a transaction. I’m in it for the long haul. I like to stay in contact, and we often become close. I love it when I get to work with all the generations of a family, the kids, parents, and grandparents, and repeat the process when they are ready to upsize or right-size their homes. In fact, I sometimes pray with my clients, when I feel led and they feel comfortable. God knows when we are supposed to close on a home. His timing is better than mine,” she says with a warm smile.


Kalyn Stropes


Natalie Simon