Rob Cole & Todd Kitchen, Gold Financial



“I am a born and raised Oklahoman with a huge passion for what I do. I can’t imagine seeing myself doing anything else.”

Earlier in his life, Rob Cole worked in nearly every corner of the banking industry. However, after several years in consumer lending, he was faced with change: the bank he was working for shut its doors. That’s when Rob turned toward mortgage lending, the industry that has become his passion project.

Today, Rob runs a branch of Gold Financial Services alongside one of his oldest friends, Todd Kitchen. Rob is the Regional Manager and a licensed loan officer, and Todd is the Business Development Manager and a licensed LO as well. Today, Rob and Todd lead one of Oklahoma City’s most well-respected mortgage lending companies side by side.

“Todd and I have been best friends since high school. He’s my best buddy, and I couldn’t ask for a better colleague. We truly have an amazing dynamic within our office,” Rob beams.

“My previous work has always been customer-oriented, but I never felt my true passion was met until I entered the mortgage industry, '' Todd adds. “The added benefit of being able to work side by side with one of my closest friends is not lost on me. We both take our roles very seriously, and being able to openly bounce ideas off of someone I have known for so many years makes our organization’s work both cohesive and enjoyable.”

Local and Here to Serve

Rob and Todd consider themselves blessed with an industry-best operations team. They pride themselves on taking on loans of varying degrees of difficulty. They’ve made a name for themselves by providing the best service available.

Rob and Todd aren’t afraid to dig into the details and help.

"Customers are our first priority. They are not ticket numbers to us. They, honestly, are why we love what we do so much!" says Rob. “I feel like a big reason we have been blessed with success is because we are not afraid to roll our sleeves up and dig into any situation to find solutions instead of shrugging our shoulders and moving on to the next less complicated loan file."

Rob and Todd operate their business based on providing a gold level of service. They strive to exemplify this gold standard from the initial interaction with a client or partner through closing day.

“Rob and I have put our hearts into this company and treat our customers as though they were our own family members to help them achieve their dreams of owning a home. We both hold a deep sense of pride and community close to our hearts and strive to exemplify that in the work that we do on a daily basis.”

Beyond Lending

Rob and Todd ensure that their clients have access to them 24/7, but they both live awesome lives outside mortgage lending, too.

Rob enjoys spending time with his spouse, Chastity, and two stepdaughters, Harlee and Avery. He also has a love for sport and adventure, from scuba to snowboarding to surfing to golf.

“I thank God every day for all of my blessings,” he smiles.

Todd and his family enjoy cookouts, road trips to his hometown of St. Louis to visit family, time with his dog, and golf.

“I want life to continue to get better every day. Waking up with a smile on my face and putting a smile on others means the world to me,” Todd says.

Words of Wisdom

Rob and Todd’s journeys haven’t been without struggle. They believe those challenges have made them stronger. They have become better loan officers through the years, but more importantly, they’ve become more caring human beings.

“We all sometimes struggle in life, but it’s important to never forget we are all human,” Rob says humbly. “Mistakes can be made, but don’t let them define you. Always move forward with a learning lesson and become a stronger individual while honing in on your skills. I want people to remember how much I care for them and how I put their needs/wants before my own.”

Looking Ahead

As Rob and Todd look ahead into 2022, they aspire to leverage their experience to bring the best of themselves to their work.

“We are here to show that Todd, myself, and Gold Financial truly are here to serve you to the best of our ability. I’ve had lots of fun times in my career, and I’ve ridden the ups/downs of the roller coaster mortgage industry. We are all in this together… We love to educate, plan, and help our referral partners always stay successful and prosperous. Todd and I truly care about everyone we come in contact with, and we strive to be the best humans we can be every single day,” Rob says.

“Call, email, text anytime! I’m here to serve.”

Giving Thanks

“I attribute my success to God, my mentors, and honestly, the people currently reading this article. Yes, OKC’s Real Producers. Without you guys, none of this would be possible. I believe that with hard work and dedication, anything is possible.”

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