Christina Bowers



The Dream Builder

Growing up in Oklahoma City, Christina Bowers was surrounded by the real estate business. Her father, a barber and entrepreneur, was a real estate investor, and Christina lived in many of the homes he eventually flipped.

“I grew up moving from one investment property to another,” Christina remembers. “My father would buy homes that needed work or REOs, and we would fix one room in it, live in it, and remodel the entire home. Once it was complete, he would rent that one out, and we would start all over.”

As a young child, Christina went to work with her father daily. His work ethic inspired her, as did his passion for houses.

Drawing on Her Roots

As Christina entered her young adult years, she felt the desire to spread her wings. She moved to Missouri to study biology at Lindenwood University. She aspired to become a registered nurse, but after a year in Missouri, Christina realized her heart remained in Oklahoma.

“I realized that I wasn’t doing what I loved. I missed working at the barbershop. I missed my family,” Christina reflects. “Moving to Missouri and being away from everyone really gave me the opportunity to find myself as a person. I was completely alone, away from my family, for the first time in my life. I made many great friends while in college there but being away really put into perspective how important family is for me.”

Christina returned home to Oklahoma, where she began working at her dad’s barbershop again. She also refocused on building her real estate investment portfolio.

Real Estate Calls

For Christina, a career in real estate was a natural course of action. She was knowledgeable about houses, passionate about the business, and understood many of the challenges a homeowner may face. She was particularly drawn to the financial freedom a career in real estate has provided to others, like her father.

Christina went to real estate school in 2016 to benefit her investment portfolio. Soon enough, friends and family members began reaching out for real estate advice, and she stepped up to help. Just like that, her real estate sales career was off the ground.

Christina steadily rose in the Oklahoma real estate rankings for the next five years, reaching 34 sales for $7.4 million in 2021. 

“What I find most fulfilling is helping people with their real estate goals, whether that means finding their very first home, forever home, or starting a real estate portfolio. I’m a dream builder,” Christina smiles.

Bowers Realty Group

In January 2022, Christina took the next big step in her business, founding Bowers Realty Group. Her goal is to create a family-like culture with a positive, success-oriented team.

“With my brokerage, I wanted to build something that favors the agent. I want my agents to take home the maximum amount of money to their families while still providing education, support, and tools for success,” Christina explains. “I want the agents at my company to feel like we’re family, that we can rely on and support each other." 

“We build each other’s foundations at Bowers Realty Group; we don’t take bricks from another’s home. Having a helpful and positive culture is so important to me and to the success of my agents.”

Today, Bowers Realty Group is a team of six agents and two staff members.  

“Leaders must always operate with the understanding that they are part of something greater than themselves and their own personal interests.” 

— Jocko Willink 

For the Love of Family

Christina returned to Oklahoma to be closer to family; they continue to be her number one priority. She met her husband, Brandon, shortly after moving back to Oklahoma, and today, they have two young children, Liberty (2) and Justice (1), and a German shepherd, Ada. Christina and her family enjoy going on adventures, from camping in nature to drive-in movies. Christina also has a love for gardening. 

“My family is my why,” Christina says. “They motivate me to be a better person. Real estate allows me to center my life around my husband and kids, a goal I have been working towards for many years.”

Christina Bowers wears many hats — wife, mother, adventurer, and real estate broker. She’s already accomplished so much in life, and her future is bright. Professionally, she hopes to continue growing her brokerage and expanding its reach. Personally, she hopes to continue to grow, too.

“I want to continue to have a healthy, happy family — and maybe one or two more babies,” Christina smiles. “My dream is to homeschool my girls and travel around the world to teach them the world as it really is. [I want to] raise my kids to be more successful and educated than I am and happy with their lives.”


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