Britni Nelson



In 2016, Britni Nelson got her real estate license at the recommendation of her mother-in-law. Britni had held several jobs in the years prior (including stay-at-home mom), and at the time, she was working at a car dealership.

“I'll never forget my boss laughing at me, saying real estate was hard and I probably wouldn’t make it because most don’t,” Britni recalls. “I wish I could find him now to show him how far I’ve come!”

Britni officially started selling real estate in 2017, and over the past five years, her business has taken off. She closed an impressive 44 transactions for $16.4 million in 2021 and is set to more than double her sales in 2022.

Britni has found success by combining authenticity, hard work, and an easy-going attitude. She’s not only selling homes, she’s building relationships and helping shape the future of Oklahoma City (and Tulsa) real estate.

Rising Up

Britni initially embarked upon a career in real estate because she assumed it would be fun, easy, flexible, and well-paying. She soon discovered that while fun, flexibility, and good pay are part of the equation, selling real estate is anything but easy.

“Little did I know it’s a lot of work,” Britni laughs.

Yet, Britni is willing to put in the work it takes to succeed, and it shows. She’s built her business based on honesty and long-term relationship building.

“I am not just looking to make another sale,” she says. “I truly want to find the best house for you and make sure you are getting a fair price. I am very upfront about all possibilities and outcomes with each client, all while still being kind and courteous to each client's feelings and home needs.”

After a banner year in 2021, Britni began growing a team. She currently has one buyer's agent and hopes to hire one or two more agents before the end of 2022. Her intention is to share the wealth of knowledge she’s gained in the last six years with other agents.

“I really want to focus on new agents,” Britni says. “I love helping and guiding them through this industry. When I first started in real estate, I would’ve loved to have someone take me in and just teach me all the things.”

Building a Dream Life

Today, Britni lives the life of her dreams. She was born and raised in Bridge Creek, OK, and met her husband at 19. Just a year later, they married and started a family.

“I didn’t know it at the time, but meeting my husband [was a pivotal moment]. Quite honestly, he changed my whole mindset. My husband just has always pushed me to do more and more. He has always seen my potential and one of the key reasons I have built my real estate [business] up,” Britni shares. “That moment changed my path. I was so young and had no direction, like a lot of people. We figured it out together, but my husband never skipped a beat and kept me going and motivated.”

Everything in Britni’s life revolves around her family. She and Tanner have three children, Layla (9), Jerzee (8), and Knox (2). Tanner also works alongside Britni in real estate. They moved back to Bridge Creek two years ago, where they built their dream home.

Britni and her family enjoy caring for their cows, riding side-by-sides, fishing, and watching movies. They spend many of their summer days at their family’s lakehouse in Eufaula and travel to Colorado twice a year.

As Britni looks ahead, she plans to continue thriving in real estate and working toward balance in her personal life. She and Tanner dream of early retirement, but for the time being, they are keenly focused on their business.

“My husband and I have so many ideas we are trying to figure out and make happen. Personally, my future plan is to have our business set up and rolling where we can just travel by the time we are in our 40s. I would love to have a retirement home somewhere tropical and have a legacy to leave our kids.”

Britni wants to be remembered not for what she did but for who she is.

“I want to be remembered for being kind and honest.”

Fun Fact

Britni was voted Class Clown in high school.


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