Ashley Schubert




Chances are very good that if you’re reading this story, you have a pretty wide definition of what’s attainable in your life. 

As one of the top producers in the region, you don’t have a “good enough” attitude. You set your goals high — and in a way that stretches you and helps you expand into new territory in your life. That’s the same drive that catapults Ashley Schubert forward in her work every day.

Sparking Success

As Broker/Owner of Bricks and Branches Realty, Ashley helps others achieve their goals by expanding the definition of what’s possible.

That spark that she brings to the business today is the result of an ongoing series of life lessons that help her step forward. One of those occurred in 2022 when her partner at a local boutique brokerage dissolved the partnership. Within a month, Ashley was forced to start her own brokerage. 

“I started classes for my Broker's exam because I knew I wanted to be the Broker of my new company and successfully passed the class and state exams within three weeks. My to-do list became a mile long as you can imagine! Between finding an office space, renovating it, developing a policy and procedures manual, getting yard signs made, recruiting staff and agents, and doing everything it takes to legally open up a new brokerage, it was quite a whirlwind,” Ashley remembers. 

“God is faithful, and through his grace and favor, the new brokerage was up and running within a month! It was one of the hardest times of my life because I lost friendships and went through a lot of hurt. But, it also forced me to step out of my comfort zone, pushed me to start my own company, cast a new vision, and move forward with a new plan! Even though it wasn't in my plan, God knew it was coming and I felt equipped along the way to be the leader I was called to be!”

Getting Her Start

Ashley grew up in Gracemont, Oklahoma, graduating from high school with just 14 others. 

“I see a lot of positives in growing up in a small town. I got to be a part of every sport, every club, and I knew everyone around me! We even got to go to Hawaii on our senior trip,” she smiles. “I grew up on a cattle ranch, and my parents were both entrepreneurs - my dad was a rancher, and my mom owned a hair salon. They taught me so many important lessons and instilled in me the importance of keeping my faith first, working hard, and being kind to people.”

Ashley went on to attend college at Southwestern Oklahoma State University, where she pursued a double major in mass communications and political science. While there, she was crowned Homecoming Queen during her sophomore year. She also was a resident advisor for three years. While she was there, she met the man who would become her husband. 

Opening New Doors

After getting married, Ashley started her working career at the Oklahoma State Capitol as a legislative assistant to a state representative and then as an administrative assistant at Sandridge Energy. She then earned her master’s degree from the University of Central Oklahoma in public administration.  

After a few years, Ashley moved into real estate while she and her husband started their family.

“I took my real estate exam at 40 weeks pregnant with our first child. I fully planned to work full time while building my real estate business, but God had other plans and helped to push me out the door,” Ashley says. “After coming back from maternity leave at my full-time job, I was let go after only a few weeks, forcing me to enter real estate as a full-time profession with a new baby to support at home!”

Ashley pushed forward, gained momentum, and built real estate success step by step. In fact, since 2012, Ashley has sold more than 400 homes representing over $100 million in sales volume. Along the way, she won the OKCMAR Rising Star Award in 2015.

“That really set me up to know I could do this job and believe in myself,” she says. “I'm thankful for the Brokers and mentors along the way who have encouraged me, I'm thankful for the setbacks and scars, and I'm thankful for my husband who has been my constant support over the years!”

In This Together

Ashley is quick to shine the spotlight on those in her brokerage. 

“We have a motto of "Changing Homes Changes Lives" because we know that our calling is so much bigger than just selling houses; it's about helping people move from one season of life to the next. Our mission is Kindness, Strength, Integrity. It was important for me to create a simple mission statement that reflected all that we reflect, keeping our values front and center of all that we do,” Ashley says. 

“These agents are team players, extremely coachable, and have high goals and expectations of themselves. Through monthly one-on-one coaching sessions, I am able to really plug into their businesses along with them to ensure they have the greatest chance of success - whatever that means to them.”

Family Highlights

Family is at the heart of life for Ashley. She looks forward to time with her husband and their six children.

“My kids are a huge part of what I do, they are my why, and I want to show them what it means to work hard for what you want in life,” she says with a smile. “I want to show women that we can do it all and we can do it all well.”

In her free time, Ashley enjoys being outdoors with her family … raising cattle, riding horses, doing trail rides on their ATV, camping, traveling, playing sports, swimming, and gardening. 

Ashley started a group for boutique Brokers in Oklahoma. 

“We meet monthly for lunch and help answer questions for each other as needed. It has become a wonderful group of Brokers helping other Brokers! ‘Community over competition’ is our motto.

Faith is also a central part of life for Ashley and her family.

“We make our faith our top priority and rarely miss a Sunday at church,” Ashley says. “We want our kids to understand the importance of commitment and work hard to teach them valuable lessons that we have learned along the way!”

Ashley started a group called “The Vine” which is for moms in Oklahoma who love Jesus and sell real estate. As she says, “We meet monthly for Bible study and conversation. I believe we find common ground and gather; we can all get better.”

In addition, Ashley has written three books, with the most popular being Raising a Business and Babies, which has sold more than 3,000 copies. She also hosts a podcast called “Business and Babies,” where she interviews women who are raising families and working simultaneously.

Looking to the future, Ashley continues to build forward for those around her—energized by the opportunity to work with her clients—seeing their families grow. 

“I love hosting annual client events and seeing my dedicated families continue to support the mission behind my work. It's truly fulfilling to be in this field for over a decade and work with repeat and referral clients continually,” she says with a smile. “I always have the goal to create clients for life and I try to do that by never losing touch with my clients and referral partners. We have a special bond, and I just want that to build over the years.”


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Shavonne Evans